AHHH so excited to get wild with after dark BOUDIE

I have so many ideas! Neon signs, black light, spot light, color gels and of course we can also incorporate the projector! OOOop or the bubble machine WITH neons. I CANT WAIT TO GET CREATIVE!

We have limited spots available but these sessions will happen between May + December so we have lots of time.

So while we play with this new set we need 5 babes of all body sizes to be our musessssssss!

You can choose which model release works best for you! Full release, partial or anonymous release! You would get your session fee completely free for being our muse yayyy ($500 value)

Which includes professional hair and makeup

Use of client closet

Your session time

Same day image reveal

We will review the applications, if you are selected, email you back with the next step and get you booked in for a date!

These boudie call opportunities come with huge savings so we give preference to those women who want to take advantage of the savings and purchase their images. Our collections start at $1695. This one would include professional hair and makeup and client closet. Click here to see the full investment menu.

We have payment plans available to 3/6/9/12 months!

You can decide if you want to take advantage of being in the studio and hello the waived session fee you can do a full boudie session we have a few different after dark ideas to play with!

There is a $200 non refundable retainer due to book a spot on our calendar. This is to make sure you are as committed to us, as we are to you! This will be credited towards a collection that you purchase. Click here to see the full investment menu.

If you think boudoir isn’t for, think again babe.

Our bodies change, life happens. Maybe you recently gave birth and are learning to accept your new body. Maybe you recently gained weight and you are learning to accept the squishy parts. Maybe you have never felt at home in your body. Whatever the reason you want to book a session we want to be the ones to give you this experience. We are looking for 3 women to participate in this project. We do need a release form signed in order for you to participate, you can select partial / full or anonymous release.

What you will receive for your participation:

  • FREE Session Fee ($500 Value!)

  • FREE add on sets

  • Professional hair and makeup

  • A 60-minute Session with complete posing and facial expression guidance.

  • No images are included in the session fee


There is a $200 non refundable retainer due to book a spot on our calendar. This is too make sure you are as committed to us, as we are to you! This will be credited towards a collection that you purchase.

Ready to do this thing?! Fill out the questionnaire below

“what’s the greatest lesson a women should learn?

that since day one. she’s already had everything she needs within herself. it’s the world that convinced her she did not.”

-rupi kaur


What is boudoir?

If you've been following Bare By Brina for any amount of time, you'll notice we talk a lot about Boudoir and we provide you with lots of information on how to prep for a shoot, but we don't often explain what exactly Boudoir is and what it means. Boudoir is the French word for a woman's bedroom, so it makes sense that a boudoir photo shoot is typically thought of as a sexy photo shoot. Clients typically wear sexy outfits - lingerie, stockings, undergarments, dresses, etc. It doesn’t always have to be like that though! Personally, when I think of a boudoir shoot, I think of it as more of a confidence booster. While some women believe wearing sexy clothing helps their build confidence, that’s not always the case. Many women choose to wear items of clothing that they wear everyday (i.e.- a tank or tee, a fitted button down shirt, a robe, a jersey, etc.) that will remind them of that photo shoot every time they wear it. We welcome your creative input and remember, you are part of your styling team too! While some women choose to do a shoot for a significant other (birthday gift, wedding present, anniversary, etc.), it typically ends up being a gift for themselves more so in the long run. Sessions do SO MUCH to lift you up and give you back a sense of self, and a refreshed feeling of confidence. Your partner will look lovingly at the images too, but the true feeling of transformation will only be felt by you, our client and the subject of the images. Most of my clients have shared that booking a shoot initially brought on feelings of anxiety, but ended up being a huge confidence builder for them. We are here for you every step of the way and can often talk you through the different feelings and emotions you may feel before your session. Always reach out!

What is required of me?

Good question! You just need to show up babe. We still coach and do everything, and hair and makeup is provided! So no stress there.

What if I am unhappy with my body?

You do not need to fit a certain mold to do a boudoir session. Repeat after me:

"I am beautiful right now, just the way that I am. I do not need to change anything about myself to be

beautiful.” There is no one single definition of beautiful, we are all unique and that is what is special. Just because someone else looks different than you does not take away from your own individual beauty. We photograph women of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, etc. and each and every one of them is gorgeous in many aspect both inside and out. We want to photograph you how you are, right now.

There are a million reasons to book a boudoir session, but sometimes you don't need a reason at all. A few reasons you may consider booking a boudoir session that have nothing to do with your weight:

A gift to yourself just because

Before having children

After childbirth

A monumental birthday (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and even 80!!)

Just because you simply need a boost

Maternity boudoir

For your wedding or anniversary

To show off a new tattoo

As a gift to someone else (birthday, holiday)

So that you can finally see why everyone else keeps telling you that you are beautiful

For your divorce

Something amazing to look back on when you're older

SO NO! You need to come in as you are and celebrate yourself right now 

Do I have to get NAKED for my session?

Absolutely Not, this is where the client closet comes in! You do not have to get completely nude for your session if that makes you uncomfortable. Your photographer should NEVER pressure you to go outside of your comfort zone, and we will always ask you how far you'd like to go in regards to nudity during your shoot. Many people think that a boudoir shoot means you have to go naked - nope! Not true. In fact, we have lots of very conservative clients that don't want to show much skin at all. Their images come out as beautiful and sensual as the client who wants to bare it all. Nudity does not equal "sexy" or "sexuality," those things are all implied with posing and facial expressions. The only time we suggest being completely nude is when we do the “in the sheets” part of your shoot! Even then, you will be covered by the sheet and none of our images will ever display your "party part." Bare boobs and bare bum are ok but you will never see anything beyond that. You could wear a thong if that makes you feel more comfortable, but either way, we can show as much or as little as you want by covering up with the sheet or by using your hands.

The only other time you might choose to go nude is if you choose to use the Shower Set or the Tub Set as your bonus! In that case, most women who use the Shower Set and the Tub Set are completely nude - but again this is a comfort level thing and you can totally do these sets with lingerie, a bathing suit, or a white tank top.

Of course, we do have lots of clients who know they want to go nude and we welcome that as well. Please just keep in mind all of our images are done in a classy and tasteful manner, we love artsy classic nudes.

I am very proud to say that we do have clients who are nervous to go nude, but by the time the end of the shoot comes they realize it's not that scary and take the plunge. Our staff is amazing at making our clients feel safe and comfortable! 

I don't want my photos posted anywhere, is that possible?

Absolutely, your images, your choice!

Should I go tanning?

Hell to the no :)

No spray tans 4-6 weeks prior to your session or tanning beds 2-3 weeks before your session! It will give your skin a funny tint we can't easily correct. Plus it can leave a stain on our furniture which we definitely don't want!

When will I see my images?

You will see your images immediately after your session! We will break for 30-60 minutes and then you will have two hours to review and select the images you wish to purchase!

Can I bring a friend?

We do not allow onlookers. Our space is limited and we don't want distractions. We want you to feel free to "wild out," and not worry about who is watching. We have tons of reviews and a strong online community that will back up our credentials. You are safe here.

 Do I have to buy anything?

If you have zero plans to purchase your gorgeous images then this promotion probably isn't the thing for you! All of our clients fall in love with their photos, we do require a payment plan for all sessions! We will chat all about this on our phone consult! There are only 15 spots and with the huge savings it is best to leave the opportunity open for women who are going to purchase a collection so they get to take advantage of the savings.


All sound good so far? Fill out the questionnaire below!

We will review and send you over the next step via email!